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At Lithium Ionic, safety comes first. We are committed to creating a secure and supportive workplace, free from harm, harassment, and discrimination. Moreover, we understand the importance of sustainable mining practices in enhancing the well-being of the host country and local communities. We promise to conduct our project with honesty, transparency, and cooperation with regional governments and affected communities. 

Local Employment and Economic Growth

Lithium Ionic values close collaboration with local communities, ensuring their active participation and benefit from our project. We emphasize local spending, procurement, and employment to bolster the local economy and infrastructure. In June 2023, we partnered with "Invest Minas" and local authorities, committing to regional employment by utilizing local suppliers and talent. This collaboration aims to create up to 1000 new jobs, fostering economic growth within nearby communities. Our hiring practices, coupled with local procurement, ensure money remains within the region, leading to improved local economies. Read THIS press release to learn more about our MOU agreement. 

Lithium Ionic also continues to help strengthen local infrastructure through our community action plan. Such projects include the planned construction of a bridge in José Gonçalves, Araçuaí, as well as the ongoing renovation of two churches in the Barreiro Community and the Barra da Barriguda community that began in 2023. 

Health and Safety

Lithium Ionic is dedicated to ensuring the health and safety of all workers, including employees and contractors. A daily 'Safety Dialogue' is in place at our project site for incident sharing and continuous learning. In 2023, an operational safety technician was employed to enforce safe practices, resulting in zero fatalities or high consequence injuries. Additionally, we support local well-being, providing five months' worth of oxygen to São Vicente de Paulo Hospital in 2023. 

Future Plans:

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